A Forest Hill, South East London counselling service to help you with your next challenge..... 

Why Counselling?

No matter what challenge you may be up against, the help of a skilled experienced counsellor can allow you to resolve issues, get clarity, and reach your aim.

Whether you're feeling down, you are anxious, have relationship problems, or just want someone to help talk something through, the guidance and ear of an effective counsellor can help you overcome past limitations, and lead a more full, enjoyable life. 

FOR MORE DETAILS SEE "Is Counselling for Me?" page

Joseph Gale Burns

has been a trained, experienced counsellor for over 35 years, and is a qualified Member of the Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners, making him eligible for UKCP.

Counselling is a partnership between counsellor and client, and Joseph has many years experience of developing a producting relationship, being able to focus on key issues, and helping the client separate the past from the present so they are able to succeed in the challenges they face.  

He has worked for a long time in an NHS health centre seeing people with a wide range of issues, as well as private practice and a complementary health centre.  He has particular skills and experience working with different ages, backgrounds and cultures. 

Joseph also offers supervision for other therapists. 

"A chance to talk things through, and some helpful insights from Joseph, have enabled me to resolve many problems" Olga Kelly 


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